tirsdag 30. september 2008

au revoir

foto fra Flickr

Ha en fantastisk høstferie! (Eller bare en fin uke i begynnelsen av oktober).
Skal du se sære filmer er Audionom stedet.

Have a very nice autumn holiday (or just a nice weekend in October).
Gonna se some movies? Check out Audionom.

mandag 29. september 2008

Wish list

I morgen er det Paris. Å fyttirakkern som jeg gleder meg. Har ikke akkurat glemt det den siste uken for å si det sånn. Men etter litt stress denne uken har jeg glemt noe helt vesentlig: En shoppingliste! Så jeg har funnet ut at jeg får lage meg en ønske- og inspirasjonsliste her, og heller holde meg til de 6 tingene jeg har funnet ut jeg må ha (Parfyme, Starbuckskopp fra Paris, rød vinterkåpe, fine og elegante høstsko, b&w-postkort til veggen min og ikke minst julegaver).

Nydelige brosjen fra Secco er selvsagt på ønskelisten.
nydelige flats fra Taryn Rose. I'm in love, seriously.

Jeg elsker alt med dette antrekket! Buksene til den enkle hvite t-skjorta, og ikke minst den herlige skinnveska. Geeky? I hvertfall en inspirasjon i bakhodet når jeg handler.

jeg elsker disse brillene! foto av Peter Miszuk

dette antrekket er så utrolig søtt. rosa jakke som ikke blir sukkersøt og kvalmende men bare søt vintage. kjolen og skjerfet også. me love<3
komfortable vintersko(som ikke er uggs), Bianco

men disse skal jeg i hvertfall jakte på i Paris.

Ja da ble bloggen norsk. Mest fordi jeg blogger for meg selv og jeg får ikke helt uttrykt meg slik jeg vil på engelsk som på norsk. Og ja, norsk er jo nydelig, sant?

Så, om noen leser: Har du noen ønsker for høsten/vinteren som du virkelig bare ha?

søndag 28. september 2008

deep breath

I woke up to a very windy, sunny weather (and a major head ache from that bloody wine ) today. For me, that means autumn! My second favourite season after winter. So, I was in need for shooting some photos. The message on the t-shirt says
"Save a mighty frog - go green"

What is your favourite season, darling?

lørdag 27. september 2008

why I love polaroid 01

When I get to know 'polaroid' I was instant in love. I was so surprised when my parents confessed they had a polaroid camera 'somewhere' as it was the most natural thing in the world. however, I have never gotten the finger out and tried to find it, and then buy a film. Someday, I promise myself, I will. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy other people's

I just adore these six ones. So simple but somehow, they mean happiness for me. From here.

fredag 26. september 2008

back then 01

life was so much easier before! and a really nice place to be. no worries.
no problems. no complicated tears.
just life.

top picture: Mum, me and my brother Max in april
bottom picture: Dad and me at the mountain cabin

torsdag 25. september 2008

swing it

I picked up the skirt I was awaiting in the mail, today. A bit too short for my taste, but I'll just be in need of some non-see-through tights like this. I love it! (And I sure need to learn how to shoot really good self-portraits in no time).

There is so much to do and so little time in my life this school year. I really wish I was the kind of person who a) Could not care doing homework, b) are extremely smart or/and c) be better in priorities. However, I do go around and think a lot about almost everything during these darkening days.

Morale of today (maybe mostly for myself): Adore everyone. Be nice to everyone. And smile. Even though you might not achieve anything visible, you do achieve a good heart.

onsdag 24. september 2008

poofy and paris, my darling

I miss the winter. The snow. The frost! Then you can really wrap yourself in in everything. Me? I can't wait until I can use my (fake) fur hat again..!

But right now, I really miss my boyfriend. As in, be with him and not having thoughts about any school work. Paris in one week, darling <3

tirsdag 23. september 2008

drew beautymore

Beauty and the Beast

Surfing around again today (instead of doing my homework), I found these amazing pictures of Drew Barrymore, shot by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue in April 2005. I just love the fairytale-style in them.

mandag 22. september 2008

søndag 21. september 2008


I wanna go shopping.

Just the dress I'd like to wear with dark grey knitted cardigan!

sateng/silk blouse in black, like this one, to wear with high waist skirts.
The Snowshoe Rabbit

this amazing shorts from asos!

or this skirt from urban outitters.

knitted vest from urban outfitters

not to forget something really really comfortable that still looks good (from victoria's secret)

cob web and revolvers

Yesterday it was Cluedo Super Challenge with friends and a good night's sleep. It is weeks since last I slept throughout the whole night. Extra nice when your boyfriend makes you breakfast, as well.

i just love how these fellows are in deep concentration during the gamel. Do I take another m&m or do I not?

found this early morning yesterday. just reminded me that autum is ahead quickly.

Today it is home-work day. Tomorrow as well. Whole week is actually packed. However, I got paid yesterday ( :D ) and it is only 9 (!) days until we live for Paris. And I've just learned why we never have this large earth quakes i Norway, just tiny shakes.

fredag 19. september 2008


it is rain in the air outside. My parents are gone and my boyfriend are working. What to do?

make hot chocolate and watch the first episodes of season 6, One Tree Hill of course! Picture from here.

torsdag 18. september 2008


For the past days I've had some thoughts about other peoples thoughts. It is very weird.
Let me explain:
When I sit on the bus, I usually listen to music. But as always for me, the music is only in the background of my mind. I constantly sit in deep thoughts and stare out the window, or look around and observe the people and setting around me. So lately, I've catched myself in wondering what other people are thinking about when I see them doing the same as I. Especially those people I've always imagine only care about drinking and show-off.
What are you thinking of, darling?

today was all black and white. I love autum, because then all warm clothes from last year are being taken out of the closet. Hightwaist trousers, prison-top and my old coat from Zara.

And today I discovered this fantastic blog, The Snowshoe Rabbit, a girl with the taste I completely adore (but would never dare or have the imagination to get fully inspired).

onsdag 17. september 2008


I do have a chemistry test tomorrow.
Instead, I do shopping at eBay...
...and end up with this lovely piece of a skirt!

the golden leaf replace the butterfly

today, we wear orange polkadot dress with knitted jumper, let the coffee drip on white tights and realize it's only 5 degrees outside.

new earrings, vintage polkadot dress and comfy jumper.

did you realize if you blend Kalium (K ) and water you get a really strong reaction - it actually burns with purple flame! (That is sort of stuff I want to do in chemistry, not blending.. salt and water).

mandag 15. september 2008

keep me warm

Few updates. I suck in blogging. However, I have a very good excuse: I have 76 (!) physics tasks to do within thursday (only missing 55), and a chemistry test on thursday as well.

Coffee is a friend in need, indeed!

the other day I went shopping. Mostly at IKEA (new reading lamp and batteries) but also I tried on a lovely (!) knitted vest at Indiska. However, it widened out in the waist, rather than stick to the body. I am so going to look for something like this on the picture when in Paris. It's gorgeous with a white blouse under. A bit grandpa-ish, a bit geeky, but so sweet.

onsdag 10. september 2008

winter, come come

I absolutely adore this outfit I found in a catalogue for Derhy.

On my wishlist: A knitted jacket like this.

mandag 8. september 2008

stuffed turkey

ah long time no see. well, it is too much to do at the moment. saturday I had people here, and jr. trivia pursuit from late 80s + sambuca really does it. however, I've manage to get a really bad flu. my head and chest are completely compact/stuffed/heavy/insert right word. Bad timing as the school demands quite a lot.

on the bright side, Daniel and I watched Wall-E yesterday. Waaaall-ee is the cutest. Really, do go and see the movie.